Christmas has come and gone so has 2012. For many this last year was a year of hardship and for others it was a year of tragedy. Fortunately my father was saved for us through the year although his cancer spread through his body. 2013 will be a year where the Drive planning must be completed and the execution will start. 
But during this year many will be diagnosed with some form of cancer. It is up to the individual to get tested and this will determine if we will celebrate you being a survivor or we will honor you as one of the victims.
It is not up to the family to encourage you to go to the doctor if your body tells you something is wrong, it is up to you as an individual to make the decision as only you can feel what your body is telling you. 
That persistent little pain might be nothing or it might be something that can be treated. If you leave it to long, your family might have to deal with your demise just because you did not listen.
I sincerely hope that you will listen to your body and act accordingly.