There are many useful articles and help sites on the Internet relating to cancer. There is information on health foods, self examination, information on the various cancers and many more. 

Then I came across that claim that they found the cure to cancer. But guess what? In order for them to share the information that they have on the so called cure, you need to buy an e-book.

These e-books claim many things and make assumptions that are very irresponsible. These individuals that sell these so-called cures to cancer e-books and hard copy books are preying on the victims of cancer. They realize that there are a lot of people that are living with cancer that cannot be treated successfully anymore that will grasp at anything that could save or at least extend their lived.

Some people will go to any length to attempt to save their own lives from cancer and will spend ridiculous amounts of money on these e-books. This fact the writers of the e-books know all too well and will help these victims get rid of their hard earned money.

I knew a gentleman that spend a great deal of money on these e-books and vowed to find one that would help him to extend his life for at least a couple of years. That was wishful thinking on his part as everything that these books advised, cost thousands and did in the end not help at all.

If these so-called cures actually worked, don't you think that every doctor that deal with cancer patients would recommend them to their patients? 

There will one day be a cure for cancer and the advancements in cancer research are proceeding on a daily basis. But please do not believe all that you read as most of these claims are just there for you to part with your money and does not add value to your health or life.